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5/20/20: In-Person Wednesday Night Classes

Updated: May 20, 2020

We've got great news! This Wednesday, May 20 at 7pm we are opening the doors for our first Bible study back in the building and you're invited.

Out of love for our neighbors when our building is open we are taking extra steps to keep each other healthy:​

  1. If you're feeling sick, please study with us from home.

  2. All classes will meet together in the North Wing of our building with chairs and tables separated to allow for social distancing.

  3. Singing together is modeled in the New Testament and a vital part of our worship. When individuals sing, they project their voices and this forceful breathing action spreads droplets at far greater distances than casual conversations. This increases the risk of spreading COVID-19 and so it will be important to wear a mask.

  4. We are providing extra cleaning and sanitizing before and after events and services that are being held in the building, including our classrooms, foyer, auditorium and baptistery. We will always be prepared to perform necessary functions like baptisms even if the building is otherwise closed.

  5. Rather than greeters handing out notes and bulletins, we will continue to make them available for you to pick up at your discretion.

  6. Bottled water will be available and water fountains turned off.

  7. We're trying out new ways to greet people other than hand shakes.


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