This week we are looking forward to being able to open our doors for our 10:45am service in the building! The service will also be live streamed to Facebook ( and transmitted to 87.9 FM in the parking lot for those uncomfortable or unable to get out.
The logistics of how we come together are going to change again, but one thing is sure: God is constant and we can't wait to praise Him for that with you this Sunday!
See how we are continuing to worship with this update from Brandon from last year:
For three months the spotlight has been on our physical health, how do we wage war on this virus, but even more important now is what’s going on with our spiritual health. We’re hurting. We see hurting people all around us. And it’s okay that we’re hurting, we’re mourning all that’s been lost, but through that mourning we can have a hope in Jesus of something better, not a return to normal, but something better, a new normal.
I pray that this will be the week for you where you say “enough is enough, I need something more” because Jesus offers it and this Sunday at 10:45 I hope that you will come and hear about it.
Now, on a logistical note, if you have worshiped with us before, you’ll notice some changes as we re-enter the building that we’ve made in order to keep ourselves and our community safe.
Before you come this Sunday, make sure that you’re feeling well and if you’ve felt sick in the past 14 days, stay home. Also check on your family, ask your kids about how they are feeling, and call any relatives or friends outside your household who may not be able to get out yet and make sure they know they’re missed and how to tune in to the live stream.
When you get here, remember to keep at least 6ft between you and others (including when you’re in the parking lot) and enter through the North Wing of the building. Show each other how much they were missed. Greet them with an elbow bump or a wave.
Our doors will be propped open and we ask you to do your best to keep the number of surfaces you touch to a minimum. The building is being cleaned rigorously and before every class and service, and we appreciate your efforts to help us keep it clean.
Now In order to allow for adequate social distancing, much of the seating in the auditorium will be taped off, but don’t worry. If we run over capacity there, we’ll have an overflow room set up in the North Wing of the building so no one has to be turned away.
As far as our worship goes, our top priority is to worship in spirit and truth, following the model given to us in the Bible. And we are taking precautions to ensure we can continue to do that. Part of that model is singing together. Now we understand that singing can be a way that viruses are spread and so we ask you to please wear a mask so we can sing safely together. Disposable masks will be available in the building. You’ll also notice pre-packaged bread and juice available on tables as you walk in so we can remember the sacrifice of Jesus together, the reason it is so important, even with these restrictions, still to gather.
Now finally, even more important than these physical precautions are the steps we need to take to protect our spiritual health. We understand that there is a great diversity of opinions, but Christ exemplified and commanded forbearance. We must treat others how they wish to be treated (even if we disagree) and use this as a moment to demonstrate supernatural unity rather than division.
Over the next few weeks, I pray that we take one step closer to this new, better normal that Jesus offers. That we soak in the lessons we’ve learned over the past three months and we do something to come out on the other side closer to God and more hopeful for His perfect relief. Let’s talk about how we can do that this Sunday at 10:45am in the building.