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Is Christ enough for you?

We want Christ to be enough for us.


A great man once walked the earth who said that through Him alone we would know the truth and the truth would make us free. We believe that man was the Son of God, and we live our lives taking Him at His word.


The simple reality is that this life is too hard to face alone, but God adopted His church so you don't have to. We know everyone faces times of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. That doesn't go away when we accept Christ into our lives. The difference is that through Him we will have strong roots to weather the storms of life and a family that will be there with us every step of the way.


Here at the church in Greenfield, you won't walk into the flashiest or biggest services or find prominent members filling our pews. Instead, you'll find a family that relies solely on Jesus, sincerely committed to grow into the loving community we read about in the New Testament, and ready to welcome our neighbors to worship God simply in spirit and truth. The Bible tells us that is what Jesus was all about.


So, is Christ enough for you?

(317) 207-2734

1380 S State St, Greenfield, IN 46140

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