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A growing family...


The Greenfield Church of Christ first met at the present location on September 7, 1969 when it expanded to continue its mission of worshiping our God in spirit and in truth.

The congregation actually formed on November 14, 1954 after Mr. and Mrs. John White heard of the Brightwood Church of Christ through a radio program. They approached the elders of the Brightwood Church to help start a congregation in the area and suggested a member of Brightwood serve as a part time minister. Brightwood accepted this proposal, and under their guidance and support, the new congregation was started as the Little Sugar Creek Church of Christ. Meeting in a building at the corner of county roads 400 South and 100 West, Brothers Paul Gaylan and Paul Lucas served as part-time preachers.


Aiming to glorify God since 1954

In 1959, with the help of the churches of Christ in Franklin, Indiana and McMinnville, Tennessee, the Little Sugar Creek Church was able to secure the services of Cecil Corken as a full time minister. The congregation was able to purchase a building and land in Greenfield, IN at 226 W. North Street; one of the community’s historic landmarks. After enough remodeling and renovating, the congregation began meeting in Greenfield in May of 1960 and became the Greenfield Church of Christ.

On April 17, 1966, two men, Reed Jones and Richard Wilson, were installed as elders for the congregation. Since August 1966, several other men have served as elders; namely Jack Brown, Carmen Cacia, Robert Glenn, Calvin Gould, Augustus Greene, Charles Hardesty, and Richard McDaniel. The men presently serving as elders are Richard McDaniel, Mike Skomp, Josh Henderson, Rick Henderson, and Andrew Ebbert.

In 1968 the congregation purchased 5 plus acres of land at 1380 South State Street Greenfield, Indiana, our present location, to build a new church building. In May of 1969, ground breaking and building was started. After much hard work, we began worshiping in our new building on September 7, 1969.

Over the course of history, our church grew through the ministries of Cecil Corkren, John Hollis, Floyd Myers, William Perkins, Jack Simons, Bill Cross, Robert Hollis, Patrick Kelly, Cecil Shaw, Ron Longwell, Patrick McDaniel, and John Skomp. The current minister is Brandon Lavy who began in July 2019. Through the many changes that have occurred over the past six decades, one simple command has sustained us: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). That overflowing love for our God, for one another, and for our community has allowed us to weather the storms and rejoice during the harvest. 


In 2011, the church began planning for a building expansion. In July of 2014, the church was able to finish a building to the north of our existing building, allowing larger fellowship space, more classrooms, and office space. This addition to our north wing was welcomed during our 60 year anniversary of Greenfield Church of Christ.

Our vision is to continue to be a place where Christ and the Bible are the foundation of who we are, both in our teaching and in our daily worship, in an effort to share the good news with our community and the world. We have a message worth proclaiming and we pray that God will allow us the opportunity to serve Him until His Son returns!

Sustained by overflowing love for God and others

(317) 207-2734

1380 S State St, Greenfield, IN 46140

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